Do what it takes to start to have a healthy heart.
On this World Heart Day let us look at promoting heart health and stroke prevention through healthy eating, getting more active and quit smoking. Primordial prevention is the cornerstone of healthy, conscious living.
Are you aware of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one killer today?
The very fact that CVD kills 17.5 million people each year propels us into action. To live longer, better and heart-healthy lives we need to spread awareness and encourage people to jumpstart action right today!
Let us see some risks associated with heart diseases

On this World Heart Day make a promise to yourself improve heart health.
“We are the custodians of our bodies. We must take action to employ healthy lifestyle habits to prevent, reduce, and/or manage disease and illness.”

Some lifestyle changes-
· Success is the sum of small efforts—repeated day-in and day-out. - include more fruits, vegetables, healthy proteins and wholesome foods in your daily diet.
· Cut down on sugar, calories and unhealthy fats.
· Eating multiple servings of fruits and vegetables helps in controlling blood pressure, cholesterol levels.
· Physical activity is of utmost importance – Walking briskly for at least one hour five times a week is recommended.
· Artery lining can be damaged due to smoking. It also reduces the amount of oxygen in your blood lead. So if you quit smoking you can definitely protect the health of your heart.
These are some lifestyle changes you can inculcate to have a healthy heart ; apart from this regular checkups are necessary as it can help one to find the potential threats before they convert in to problems.
A heart stroke may not always be followed by numbness or a severe chest pain, also symptoms of heart attack in men and women can be different. It’s never too early or late to learn about what steps should be taken to improve heart health.

Our BarADay bars are 100% natural heart healthy bars made up of wholesome clean, ingredients such as oats, nuts, seeds, grains, etc. Instead of artificial sweeteners dates and natural honey are used. With BarADay bars you can stay assured that they are good for your heart health at the same help control your sugar levels. They are made without any preservatives and have a good shelf life. The reasonable pricing makes it easy on the pocket. They are available in different flavors such as dark chocolate, cranberry, apricot, etc.
Each BarADay bar is a smart way to a healthy heart.
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